I find painting in aquarelle a wonderful experience. It can help you to release yourself from the accumulated negative emotions and from the desire for too much control. The material itself involves much more freedom. The liquid colours follow their own direction of flowing and especially in the “wet-on-wet” technique they can never be under a total control. Therefore when we are not burdened to limit the colour in the contour of the drawing by all means and we enjoy the chance blending then we can easily feel the freedom of creation. Very often these spontaneous overflows result in beautiful effects which can’t be reached on purpose and they wonderfully harmonize with the concreteness of the drawing underneath.
Maria Dryanovska, “Mysterious nebula II”
The most specific for the technique is mainly in that the white colour comes from the white of the paper and not from paint as in other painting techniques. Exactly these parts not filled with colour create the beauty of the aquarelle and gives vividness and freshness to it. The difficulty to correct or remove a certain colour after the pigment has already soaked in the paper presumes to begin with light, fine and pale glazes till the colours become gradually saturated but the layers remain always transparent to allow the light to penetrate and the colour to be reflected by the white paper. In this way we achieve the magic effect of stained pieces of glass placed one on top of the other. A great variety of combinations can be created as in a kaleidoscope. This beauty predisposes you to forget about the precise painting and to enjoy playing with colours, to release the control and to set free your emotions in order to express your unconscious.
I think that in art, regardless of the technique we choose, there should always be an element of amusement and a search through a play. In this way we can transform the stress and the negative emotions into creative power and make something beautiful which will give pleasure to us and to those around us.